
Deletes a record from the database.


  1. options - json object

    • id - the record id. Optional. By default, this is the current record id. (The current record id can be accessed here: brixxApi.actualRecordId)

    • noConfirmMessage - Optional. By default, this is false. If set to true, you will not get a confirm MessageBox. the record will be deleted.

Example Usages

1. Simple

   brixxApi.deleteRecord(); //deletes the current displayed record
   brixxApi.deleteRecord({id: brixxApi.actualRecordId}); //deletes the current displayed record

2. Simple - No Confirmation

   brixxApi.deleteRecord({noConfirmMessage: true}); //deletes the current displayed record without confirmation

3. Without displaying the record

   let myRecord = await brixxApi.laodRecord("myKeyControl"); loads a record into myRecord
   brixxApi.deleteRecord({id:}); //deletes the loadedRecord

Last updated