
Business Brixxes provides special features for business usecases. Each Brixx has an individual set of parameters plus some parameters that are valid for all businessfunctions.


 functionName - the name of the businessBrixx module
 methodName - some businessBrixx functions provide several operations
 silentMode - if you set this to true, the brixxbox will not show a message if something goes wrong. You will still get the errorMessage, to handle the error case in your event code.

Example Usages

   let result = await brixxApi.businessBrixx({
      //Common Parameters for all functions
      methodName: "GetLabel",
      silentMode: true,  //false is default. If set to true, the brixxbox will not show an error message box. it is up to you to inform the user.
      //Individual paremeters for each business case. DHL Label as an example here.
      shipmentNumber: app.getFieldValue("cordShipmentNumber") //We saved this number before and stored it to our Order
   });, "_blank");

Business Brixx

  • DhlShiping

    • CreateShipment → Creates a DHL Shipping Label.

    • GetLabel → Shows the shipment Label again.

  • DPD Shipping

    • CreateShipment → Create a DPD Shipping Label.

  • UPS Shipping

    • CreateShipment → Create a UPS Shipping Label.

    • CancelShipment → Removes existing Shipment

    • GetLabel → Shows the shipment Label again.

  • InventoryManagement → Does Inventory Movements within an ERP Setup

    • Move

  • CurrencyConverter

    • Convert → Converts a currency to annother currency.

  • Datev Export

    • DatevExport → This function exports a Datev CSV file for a given timeframe.

      • sqlDataRead Example

      • sqlMainData Example

      • sqlGetCounter Example

  • GS1 Code Splitter

    • Split → Splits a barcode (or 2d code) into its GS1 AIs an Values.

  • Diamant

    • DiamantBusinessBrixx

  • SEPA Export

Last updated