This App will provide an overview for the changes done in the current workspace. The default view will list the changes chronologically and show the different types of changes.
Provided the necessary access rights a selection of other workspaces is shown. Marked lines within the change history can be compared against the same items in other workspaces. If the comparison differs, a view can be triggered to show the differences in detail.
This app lets you create or delete api access keys.
This is not the cloudGateway!
See how to use the Cloud Connector for printing.
Run As a Service
See Connector Online Status in Api Keys Panel
Edit Config in Api Keys Panel
Beside the Print Gateway (as ssen in the video), there is a new docker gateway. Use the Docker command column to pull and start a Docker container in your local network. Use the settings in the ApiKey list to configure the service endpoints for each docker installation like in the sample below.
For Printing, use ApiKeys CloudeConnector
The CloudGateway is similar to the CloudConnector but the CloudGateway is used for retrieving and sending data instead of printing.
To request Data from the Gateway use the cloudQuery api function.
A cron expression consists of five individual parts (That is the basic version. Some cron expressions support additional values).
Allowed Values
Day of month
Day of week
0-6 (0 = Sun, 1 = Mon, ...)
In addition to the above values the following characters can be used.
Any value e.g. * as the value for Hour
will select all the possible values 0,1,2,..,23 "every hour".
value list separator e.g. 0,30 as the value for Minute
will select 0 and 30 "every half hour".
Range of values e.g. 1-5 as the value for Day of week
will select Monday thru Friday
step values e.g. */3 as the value for Month
will select Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct. Writing "1,4,7,10" would yield the same result.
15 1 * * *
every day at 1:15 am
0 8-17 1-5 * *
Monday thru Friday, once every hour between 8am and 5:59pm
0 5 1 */3 *
at 5am on the first day of every third month of the year (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct)
0 0 1 1 *
start of the year
*/5 3-14 * * 6
every five minutes between 3am and 2:59pm only on a Saturday
Cron expressions are widely used. To get more detailed information those links might be helpful
Reports are integral part of Brixxbox. They allow system user's to represent desired information to their clients. Basic example of any Point of Sale System is Order Report, it contains all the information of the user, the details of goods being purchased, and complete bill of whole order. Brixxbox allows system users to create report templates. User can create their own report templates in the form of html templates. Brixxbox keep a list of all report templates created by users and also allow their updation.
In this tutorial, we assume that user has a "customerofferreport". To start working with reports, click on report option under configuration in main side bar of your workspace. You will be prompted to report list page. Here you can add, remove, update, view, and download report templates. Select the play button of "customerofferreport", it will open the report at the bottom of the page. Scroll down to look at report.
As we can see Brixxbox allows to alter different parameters like id, date, and name (shown in black box on top left). By altering thses parameters system user can search different orders provided by the company. On the backend Brixxbox uses Telerik report designer to display or modify reports. If you want to edit or create reports Brixxbox provides you with Telerik Report Designer. You can download this software from top right corner of report's page. Lets say we want to edit customerofferreport, we need to perform follwoing steps:
Download "customerofferreport" from the list of reports.
Open it in the Telerik report designer. As you can see, this is only generic template for this report and there are no specific values associated with the report like customer id. In order to add these details to see specific customer offers, we need to add a data source.
Connect a datasource with your report. For this purpose you need to add your database connection string in Telerik. Brixxbox provides you with specific connection string. In Brixxbox main navigation panel goto Security then firewall, you can find this connection string by clicking "Show workspace DB connection string" button. In below snapshot, this button is highlighted in black. In this connection string, you can find all the important information regarding your workspace in Brixxbox like server name, password. You can also copy whole string by clicking on copy button.
In order to protect any workspace database, all the information is made private. User need to add its ip address to firewall exception list which is also present on the same page in order to access the data. User can add its ip address by clicking on new button and then providing its public ip. User is also allowed to add a range of ip addresses. New button is highlighted in red in above snapshot.
Now, we have DB connection string as well as a white listed user ip and we can add it in DB connection wizard of Telerik. Add it in connection string textbox and click next.
On next page, choose a shared connection so that connection will be saved locally and will be available for all local reports and give an alias name to it eg: custSPSTest20210201.
On next page, we need to specify the sql query to get all the required data from DB regarding a valid customer offer. We can also supply a stored procedure here.
On next page, we need to specify the sql statement parameters on the basis of which the query will be executed. Here we are selecting "parameter.id.Value" which is of type string.
In this page, pass an example value of report id i.e 147. This can be used on next page to test whether the connection with data source is successful or not. As we can see that pressing execute button, a report data with id 147 is being returned. Now user can finish the connection wizard.
We can also add a sub report to an existing report. Just click on sub report section and add a sub report to an existing report. There is only one limitation user needs to take care of which is, the sub report should be of type ".trdx".
In this app, Brixxbox allow users to add automated jobs to their workspace. If a user want to perform a task at regular intervals then user can add its task in a job schedular provided by Brixxbox.
Job provides functionality to automate the tasks provided by user after specific time interval and on regular basis. User can create one job for each task. Brixxbox will provide book keeping of those jobs, for example logging of errors etc. A job contains following properties.
Each job should have a meaningful name. It will help user to identify the purpose of the job. For example, status update job etc.
It is one of the most important properties. It is used to schedule jobs, it specifies that the job will run on a given scheduled time. Its value is divided in to five parts(* * * * *). The first part represent minutes. The allowed values ranges from(0-59), The second one represent hours and its value ranges from(0-23). Third part is day of a month, its value ranges from (1-31) . The fourth part is month itself, its value ranges from(1-12). The last part represents day of the week(0-6). 0 is for sunday, 1 is for monday and so on. In order to learn more about CRON click here.
App job allows user tasks to be of three types: server side function click here, sql statement click here, and sql stored procedure click here.
It is the customized code for above job types. It can be stored in the Brixxbox and will be utlized here.
Each job should have a user id attached to it. This creates ownership of the app job.
Each job should have have a meaningful description. It is optional but it will help all the workspace users to know exactly what a job is doing.
Lets now look at one example job. Suppose we want to prepare status emails for managers. We want to generate these emails at 03:00 every day. For this purpose we need to set the CRON value to (00 3 * * *). It means that on 00 minute of 03:00 hour, on every day of each month and on each week day execute this job. We also want to make this server side function. In next step, we will choose custom code script, as we have already written this script, we can select it from drop down list. Now we need to assign a user id to this job. In the end, we need to give description for our newly created job. In the below snapshot, we can see all the options filled. Click save button to save this job.
Server Functions (or Server Side Functions) are functions that are executed on the server, instead of the javascript engine in the browser. Basically they are webservices, that respond to a post call and that accept the parameters in a specific pattern, defined by the brixxbox.
You can use the api function serverFunction to call a Server Function
To call a function and get the response object:
To get an example payload based on the current app state:
To get an example postman collection including the payload of the current app:
This app allows you to maintain SQL stored procedures for your workspace DataBase.
In the main editor window you can edit the body of the procedure. The Create/Alter and procedure name must be omitted. After saving the stored procedure will be checked for errors. If no Errors are found it will be added to your DataBase.
It is always good practice to add a brief description for your function. This description is searchable within the list.
Once the stored procedure is successfully added to your DataBase you can directly test it from the query window. Enter your test and execute it. Errors or results will be shown. If u enter multiple tests in the query window, select the one you want by marking the relevant text. If a selection is active, only this will be executed.
Only write the body of the procedure! Is this case the CREATE PROCEDURE ExampleDateToVeryLongString is automatictly generated.
This can be checked in the test window.
We are writing documentation. This page will be updated soon!
This app allows you to maintain DML triggers for your workspace dataBase tables.
In the main editor window you can edit the body of the trigger. The Create/Alter ,trigger name and table name must be omitted. After saving the trigger it will be checked for errors. If no Errors are found it will be added to your DataBase.
It is always good practice to add a brief description for your trigger. The description is searchable within the trigger list.
Only write the body of the trigger! Is this case the CREATE Trigger ExampleTrigger ON ExampleTable is automatictly generated.
This app allows you to maintain SQL functions for your workspace DataBase.
In the main editor window you can edit the body of the function. The Create/Alter and function name must be omitted. After saving the Function it will be checked for errors. If no Errors are found it will be added to your DataBase.
It is always good practice to add a brief description for your function. This description is searchable within the function list.
Once the function is successfully added to your DataBase you can directly test it from the query window. Enter your test and execute it. Errors or results will be shown. If u enter multiple tests in the query window, select the one you want by marking the relevant text. If a selection is active, only this will be executed.
Only write the body of the function! Is this case the CREATE FUNCTION ExampleDateToVeryLongString is automatictly generated.
This Function can be used as part of a SQL Statement. i.g.
User can add thank you, warning, and error messages here and they can be used afterwards anywhere in your app. Brixxbox allows custom messages with placeholders that can be queried and translated by script. These test parameters are captured in Json format.
Here we will consider a thank you message. We want to display this message after successful placement of order by the customer on our plateform. To make the message more personalized we also want to show the customer name and order id in the thank you message. To generate a custom message follow the steps below:
From side panel of your work space click on configuration then on "custom messages". It will open custom messages app.
Click on create, a pop up window will be opened. Add the name, description of custom message. Also add test parameters in json format.
Test parameter for the above sentence
The edit panel should look like this:
Now click on save button and your custom message is stored permanently in this app.
In this app Brixxbox allow users to add any number of different file types to Brixxbox workspace from outside. It also allows all the documents generated within the workspace to be stored in this app. These documents can be used to facilitate the proper functioning of the user systems like generating reports for system user for example: report on total number of order placed and also for end user for example: it can be an invoice gernerated for a customer.All of these documents can be stored under this app. User must assign document type to each document.
We want to add an example image from our pc to brixxbox. Brixxbox allow users two ways to add a file: via drag and drop files from pc to attachments page, and via opening a file explorer then selecting a specific file. Lets now add our image.
As we can see from above snapshot that added image is visible in the drag and drop area(highlighted in black). Also if you search in the list of attachments, you can find the same image. The interesting fact to consider here is that when we upload the file only file name, upload time, and user is being set. The properties document type and id are left as it is. It gives user an option to select the document type by himself. Lets do this by selecting the file and then clicking edit button. An edit panel will open, now select the "bild" type as we have selected file of type image and click on update. In this easy tutorial we learned how to add a file in Brixxbox and assign a document type to it.
Brixxbox allows more than 16 languages to be used in the workspace. App translation helps user to handle language conversion. This app allows user to add different phrases, messages and their translations. These messages get stored in a list format and can be used later anywhere in your workspace. Each translation app enrty consists of four properties: Translation key which is the actual message or phrase that needs to be translated, culture it is the language in which we want to translate our message, translation it is the actual translation, and last one is comment about this translation.
Lets now look at one simple example a "Thank you" message after placing an order. We want this English message as well as its translation in German. For this purpose, we will a new entry in app translation. Go to main panel of your workspace then configurations then click on translations. Now in this app you will see a list of already present translations. Click on new button to add a new entry. Fill all necessary information and after this our entry should look like this.
Now create this translation entry by clicking on create button.
User dashboard is a whole panel or a page dedicated to creating shortcuts for users workspace. Here Brixxbox allows users to add apps which are the most important ones. Each of the app will be shown on the dashboard page. User can access this page by clicking on the logo of their workspace. Here is an example workspace.
To add different apps to this dashboard section, user should follow these steps. From left navigation panel of Brixxbox goto configuration then scroll down and select "user dashboards". Here you will find a list of all the apps that are available on dashboard panel and Brixxbox also allows system users to manage access of different dashboards for different users. An example list of dashboards for different users is given below.
In this snapshot we can see that for multiple user, we are selecting same app "dashboardDemo". We can also choose different apps here.
To add a new app in a dashboard for specific user group, select new on the users dashboard page. A new panel will be opened. It will look like this.
Select the respective properties and click create button to add a new app to specific users dashboards in Brixxbox. In the tutorial below, user can find how to add a new app to dashboard.
This app allows you to store SQL statements that can be used in all the apps of a workspace.
In the main editor window you can edit the SQL statement. It is always good practice to add a brief description for your statement. This description is searchable within the statement list.
In addition test parameter can be supplied. Test parameter must use Json format.
Test parameter for the above statement
You can set the html email body for the invitation emails to introduce them to your workspace. You can use the placeholder [Link] if you want to specify the link location. If no [Link] Tag is found in your body, the tag will be appended at the end.
Attachments like the workspace custom logo can be added by using its content id: 'cid:CustomLogo.png'
This app allows you to open the firewall of your brixxbox database for specific client pc. This is useful, if you need to connect directly to your database via Azure Data Studio or any other client software.
The database is a Microsoft Azure SQL Database, in case your client needs specific information for the connection type.