Executes a write sql statement and returns the number of rows affected
statementName - The name of the statement
additionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them
queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request
timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL request. Default is 30 seconds
connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database
Read all data without parameters
Read all data with parameters
See also client side api sqlRead
Executes a write sql statement and returns the number of rows affected
statementName - The name of the statement
additionalParameters - all controls in the current config are set as paramters automatically. If you need to add additional parameters, you can use this json object to set them
queryOptions - (optional) a json object with options for the request
timeout - (optional) timeout for the SQL Request. Default is 30 seconds
connectionKey - (optional) a key to a custom settings entry with the connection string to an external MSSQL database
Update a record with parameters
See also client side api sqlWrite
This server side api function does support the same parameters as createReportPdfBlob from the client side api.
This server side api function does support the same parameters (Attachements and so on) as ComposeEmail from the client side api. Emails are sent automatically, as there is no UI.
This server side api function does support the same parameters as cloudPrint from the client side api.
Api Version > 0.1.30
Send a blob object to the cloud print api
We create a blob with create report and send it to the cloudPrint api
Send a base64 file content to the cloudPrint api.
See also client side api cloudPrint
This server side api function does support the same parameters as businessBrixx from the client side api.
See also client side api businessBrixx
Server Function to load a config record and return the record object.
mode - Config name
id - Record Id
loads a record and stores it in a variable
See also client side api loadConfigRecordById
Saves or creates a config record and returns the new record object.
mode - Config name
id - Record Id
Create a new Record with 2 fields
See also client side api saveConfigRecordById