This setting controls whether the captured image should be saved directly as an attachment to the current record.
Create a brixxbox TextBox myOutput for the Value of the Slider
Copy the code below as a Control in your App Config. Make adjustments to the onSubDataRequest event for your specific usecase and render the control with app.refresh("myTree") at any point.
Take a look at https://www.jstree.com/ for further configuration details and options.
This title will be translated and it can contain variables from four loaded record, that will be replaced in the title, once a record is loaded.
We used a @prefix in the past, that is deprecated.
This will result in: Order 1 John Doe
if no '{' character is found in the title, brixxbox will add an {id} to your title to display the loaded record id.
If no app title is specified, the app id will be displayed for your app.
Here you can select a document type for the attachment.
User defined file name for the attachment. This can be extended with values from fields of the current application. This is achieved with @controlId at any position of the text.
A user defined file name is always extended by the current timestamp.
This is a more complex method to configure the chart than chartData but offers a lot more possibilities.
See a List of properties, you can set per line, or bar:
This setting determines if a Combobox has a List Button next to it, to select the value from a List instead of the Combobox itself. The List provides more features for filtering and searching than a Combobox . The selected Value from the list will be set in the Combobox on selection.
This is used to prevent users from overwriting records. If two users have loaded the same record, and both make changes, than the user that saves first, will commit his changes, but the second user will not be able to save after the first user saved. In other words, you will only be able to save a record if noone saved it between you loading it and your save attempt.
If this Checkbox is activated. You will see the Date time in you local timezone but the value behind the control is a utc (GMT) time. setFieldValue will assume you set a utc time and will add the local timezone just for the display. getFieldValue will give you the utc time as well. So users in different timezones will see different values, but in the database there is just the utc time stored.
Data specifies where this control gets its Data from. If no DataSource is set for the control, you get a List of table columns from the master table. If DataSource is set, you have to enter a Field from this DataSource (like a controlId if your DataSource is a Config)
This value is set when the app is opened or a new record is created. In the background, the brixxApi function setFieldValue is called with this value.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Here you can set a fixed height for the grid. The specification is in percent of the complete screen height.
You can provide a comma separated list of values for seconds. For each value the user will have the option to select it as an auto refresh value for reloading the grid content. Values above 59 seconds will be rounded and shown as minutes.
e.g. A list like "30, 60, 900" will generate a drop down menu with options like "30 seconds, 1 minute, 15 minutes".
You can specify the unit character here ($, € ans so on)
A grid column can be made editable. This will enable clicking the cell content (or the first part of the cell for empty columns). Note: An editable column will be marked with a pencil symbol in the header.
The following settings are available:
modus: either "inline" or "popup". A value of "default" or omitted entry will automatically choose an appropriate setting for the columns control type. So most of the time there is no need for an individual setting.
autosave: Setting can be "on" or "off". "on" is the default.
Changing the cells value will trigger the event "onCellEdit". If the value "false" is returned from this event no data will be saved.
For the event the following data will be provided:
You can create a footer for grid columns. The value for "column" specifies the target column.
The following parameter can be supplied:
“column”: name for the target column
“select”: will specify the Range for data selection. Possible values are “all” or “visible”. “all” is the default setting and will select all available data from this column. With “visible” only data matching a selection will be processed. If no selection is active, all data will be shown.
“action”: will specify what action will be taken for the given data. Possible values are “sum”, “avg” (average), “min” (minimum), “max” (maximum). “sum” is the default.
“decimalDigits”: If you are using a config based grid the decimal digit setting will be inherited from the column setting. Otherwise the default will be 0. If u want to overwrite this behavior this setting can be used.
“textLeading”: Add a text in front of the value.
“textTrailing”: Add a text behind the value.
This allows you to set a list of combobox columns, that will not have a hyperlink, like the usual combobox column would have
You can create filter in all grid columns. You need to specify the column name and the type of filter you would like for this column.
The following types are available:
text: Will show a text input field for the search criteria.
select: A selection for all available options is shown.
multiSelect: like select-option. It is possible to select multiple entries.
If the grid is configured for Server Side Paging additional options are available.
serverSideMinInputLength: Allows to set a minimum character count for user input, before the search is triggered.
serverSideSQLStatement : If the filter option is set to select/multislect a SQL statement can be used to show the available options. For config based grids this is optional (A distinct value for the column will be generated by default). For SQL based grids this setting must be provided. The setting needs to have the name of a valid SQL Statement defined in this app.
The SQL statement must return a list consisting of 2 columns: id and text. The id value will be used as the search criteria. The text value will be shown to the user as option. The parameter “columnSerachValue” will contain the current user input.
Example of a valid SQL statement:
For columns with date controls (DateBox and DateTimeBox) a date range selection will be provided. The range selection enables the user to set a start and end date. Additionally the brixxApi call 'gridColumnConfig' enables setting of predefined selection ranges. Those ranges can be picked by the user without the need to use the calendar. This way commenly used selctions can be predefined for each individual grid column, if applicable. Example setup for predefined selections (Note: The The moment.js Library is used to set start and end dates):
Set if sorting by the user should be allowed
If you want to allow the user to manually sort rows in the grid, options for "Allow Drag & Drop" are available. To use this extended option the underlying sub data source must be able to handle the manual sorting information. If an app config is used as a sub data source please check Manual ordering of rows in a grid before activating the setting. The app config only needs to be enabled for handling the necessary data. If you want to use a SQL-Statement as your sub data source the relevant table/tables must be prepared to be capable to read and write the ordering data.
If an app config is used as a sub data source, the values will be filled in automatically. If u want to set the parameter manually, the values must match the needed information for a SQL-Update statement. See the example below. In addition the relevant table/tables must be prepared to be capable to read and write the ordering data. See the list provided for Manual ordering of rows in a grid
A comma separated list of columns, that should be used for grouping. By default the grouping criteria will be the cell values for this column. The same cell values are put in one group. The column itself will be hidden from view because it will only show the group name. If a search is added to the column, the column stays visible.
For DateTimeBoxthe grouping value is set to the date part only and the column stays visible in order not to lose the time information.
For columns with date controls (DateBox and DateTimeBox) an individual grouping can be tailored to the specific data. This way date ranges can be shown in groups. e.g. "today", "this week", "last month". The brixxApi call 'gridColumnConfig' enables setting of this individual grouping ranges. Example setup for date grouping (Note: The moment.js Library is used to set start and end dates):
The controlId is an essential part of a brixxbox Control. Every Control needs a unique (in its App) Id. All new controls get a generated Id (starting with an underscore). The generated Id is changeable but once you give your control a custom Id, this will be unchangeable afterwards. The generated Id should never be used to reference the control. If you need to do something with the control (like hide it, get or set a value), you need to give it a readable Id.
A Control is always addressed with its controlId.
Control Ids should start with a lowercase (often with a mandatory prefix, that has been set in the app) and can contain, Numbers, upper and lowercase letters and underscores.
Input Mask Regex
You can mask the uinput of a textbox by using a regular expression.
You can find further information for for the Input Mask itself [here](https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask)
If you want to lear more about regex, take a look [here ](https://regex101.com/)
This allows only non-capital and capital letters (azA-Z) numbers (0-9) and the underscore (_). But no special characters (like ö, &, %, @,...).
Example 2. This forces the input to begin with abc, followed by any a-Z0-9
If this is checked, this column will be included in the global search scope
This is the Label, that is displayed for this control. The Label is translated automatically but you can set your manual translation in the translation Tab.
All Labels must be in the Workspace Default Language (english if not set differently in the workspace settings)
If this checkbox is checked. the label text will be displayed in full length and wrapped at the end of the available width. If not checked the label will be cut and a "..." will be appended. You can hover with the mouse over a label to get the full text.
The Label With is only relevant if the control is in a From Group, and so the Label is left or right of the control instead of above it.
It uses the same rules as the Width property
Please have a look at Bootstrap Grid System
If this is set. Brixxbox tries to load a record by using the value of this control as a key.
Check this option, if you do not want up/down arrows next to the number input.
If this is a field, that other fields refer to, to get data from another Config. You have to specify which config that is.
This option will prepare the app for manual ordering of rows in a grid. Only set this option, if you want users to be able to order grid rows by drag and drop.
Create a new field for the underlying datatable. The default name will be brixx_RowOrder. Type will be set to HierarchyId.
The View for this app will get a new column to show the RowOrder with hex value.
A InsertTrigger will be created for the new field. Every time a new row is inserted without a value for brixx_RowOrder an order value will be generated to place the new row at the end of already existing data.
If no ORDER BY is provided for the SELECT Statement, ORDER BY will use the brixx_RowOrder Field
All Existing data will be updated! If rows exist when saving your app brixx_RowOrder will get a default value for ordering.
If a field is included in the global search, the prefix can be used to search for specific records only. You can specify a list of prefixes for every field that is included in the search. Lets say you have an address with a company name, a first name and a last name, you could give the following prefixes:
Company: address, company
FirstName: address, name, firstname
LastName: address, name
You could search for "address" and search all the fields, or you could search for "name" and look only in first and last name
Selects all text when the focus is set to this control.
When using serverside paging, most of the time it is not usefull to search in all columns as that means the grid is as slow as if it was not paged on server at all. We need to configure the columns that are indexed and can be used for ordering and searching. The other columns will not get a order option and will be ignored for searching. In case of a combobox (cordAddressId) the _value column will be searched as well. no need to configure that.