The event occurs when a control content is changed. You can use app.isLoadingRecord if you need to know if a record is loading and that is the reason for the change event.
The event occurs when an app is started but before a record is loaded and the OnAppInitialized event is fired. Default Values are set at this point.
The event occurs when a grid cell is clicked. You can get more information where exactly the user has clicked.
The event is triggered when a grid cell value is changed thru the funtionality of the grid CellEdit settings.
For more details check GridCellEdit
The event occurs when a user deletes an attachment from the right sidebar. The delete attachment function does not trigger the event.
The event can be used to transform a datasource line.
The event occurs when a control is clicked.
The event occurs the user moves or modifies an event. getFieldValue('controlId.changedEvent') or eventArgs.details can be used to determin the changed event
You can get mor information about the effects:
the event before the change: getFieldValue('myCalendarControl.oldEvent')
other events that got affected: getFieldValue('myCalendarControl.relatedEvents')
You can call cancelCalendarChanges to cancel all the changes
This event is called when a child app of you current app is closed. The closed app object is available under eventArgs.details in the even source code- But be aware, that this app is closed. You can access properties liek appName but you might not use saveConfigRecord or such methods on the closed app.
The event occurs when the right sidebar for attachments gets closed
The event occurs when a key is pressed. You can access the event information, using the event parameter.
The event occurs the user clicks on one of the events. getFieldValue('controlId.changedEvent') or eventArgs.details can be used to determin the clicked event
Here are some usecases for event clicks you might find helpful. In Case you are using a google calendar, you could open the calendar event in a new window.
Or you can return false at the end of the event source code, which means, that you did not handle the event by yourself and there for to execute the default behavior.
The event occurs when an file was selected on a fileImport control. The import function will detect if the file is using a comma or a semicolon as separator. Brixxbox will therefore count the occurrences of commas and semicolons in the first line (Header) and will use the higher counted char as separator.
You can access eventArgs.details inside this event to get the file content and meta data:
eventArgs.details.csvLines - Array of all lines splitted by csv rules
eventArgs.details.lines - Array of all lines splitted by csv rules
eventArgs.details.fileExtension - extension of the import file ("csv" for example)
eventArgs.details.fileExtensionLower - extension of the import file in lowercase
eventArgs.details.fileInfo - a javascript file info object
eventArgs.details.fileName - the file name
eventArgs.details.fileNameLower - the file name in lowercase
eventArgs.details.fileNameFull - the file name with extension
eventArgs.details.fileNameFullLower - the file name with extension in lowercase
eventArgs.details.rawData - the whole file content as a single text
eventArgs.details.rawLines - an array of all the lines. Use this if you want to split the lines following your own rules
The event occurs after a record is loaded and displayed. You could do some updates or refreshes at this point.
The event occurs right before a record is saved. By returning false, the following save operation is canceled
The event occurs when a record is saved. You might want to do some additional tasks in that case.
Scope: grid The event is triggered when the selection of grid lines change. When a line is selected or deselected.
The event occurs on app level as well as on a grid control.
The event occurs right before a record is loaded. By returning false, the following load operation is canceled
The event occurs when a grid row is clicked. You can get more information where exactly the user has clicked.
The event occurs when an app closes from a modal state.
The event occurs when an app is initialized. The OnAppStarted event is processed at this point. If a record id was given as a start parameter, the record is loaded and displayed at this time.
The event occurs when a modal child app is closed. This is a good opportunity to refresh some data because the child app might have modified it. Remember: Grids are refreshed automatically if you return from a modal app. The closed app object is available under eventArgs.details in the even source code- But be aware, that this app is closed. You can access properties liek appName but you might not use saveConfigRecord or such methods on the closed app.
Scope: grid, app wide The event occurs when a record is deleted. The ids of the deleted records are passed as an array in eventArgs.details for example: ["1", "5", "10007"]
Another example to iterate over the deleted record ids:
The event is triggered when a empty time period is selected by the user. You can use this to create a new calendar event
The event occurs when a tab page comes to the visible state. You might want to refresh some data here.
The event occurs right before a record is deleted. By returning false, the following delete operation is canceled
The scan events gets triggered when a barcode (or 2D code) is scanned, e.g. by using the wedgeScanner control. You can then ask the control for the scanned code.
The event occurs when a grid control displays a row. RowCreated does not mean that a database record is created.
The are a couple of special objects you coul use in this event type:
eventArgs.details.row - this is the new row as a html element.
eventArgs.details.data- this is the record used for this row
eventArgs.details.index- this is the index of the row in the entire grid
The event occurs when a key is released. You can access the event information, using the event parameter.